
Copyright laws are for more than just music and media; they can cover training manuals, computer programs, technical drawings or even advertising and promotional materials. Whether you are the licensor or licensee it is important that you are aware of your rights in order that you can not only protect, but also to help realise the full potential of your intellectual property. Regardless of which industry you work in, copyrights are a valuable tool for protecting business assets but are often underutilised. Let us at Harcourt Stirling help you identify which areas and what level of copyright protections will best serve your needs.

Domain Names

Internet domain names can span a number of countries and as more business is conducted online, the problems posed by cybersquatting has increased. If someone has registered a domain name in bad faith that infringes on trademarks, service marks, company names or personal names, contact us at Harcourt Stirling to see where we can assist you.

IP and Technology Agreements

Navigating local laws as they relate to IP agreements, identifying potential risks and managing contract negotiations can be time consuming and confusing, we at Harcourt Stirling can ease the process by assisting in negotiating, drafting and structuring your deal. Whether you are a small start up company or one of the worlds largest, we at Harcourt Stirling are here to meet your unique needs.

IP Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, and Litigation

From the initial complaint all the way through to trial, and if necessary the appeals process you can trust us at Harcourt Stirling to fight to protect and enforce your interests.  Whether you are the owner or the accused infringer, we can assist you in matters ranging from trademarks to patents, to copyright to trade secret.


Patent law can be long and complex, but at Harcourt Stirling our team of lawyers can ease that burden. Whether you are a small company or a large one, patents can be the lifeblood of your company, so whether you are facing a patent expiry or are undertaking litigation contact Harcourt Stirling and see where we can assist you.

Trademarks and Brands

Trademarks can help your brand distinguish itself from your competitors, but when that trademark is infringed it can lead to loss of revenue and damage to your brand if an inferior quality product is produced. At Harcourt Stirling we are able to assist in enforcement, strategy and where need be, litigation to help ensure an effective implementation of your trademark rights; protecting both your revenue and your brand.

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